Empowering Minds: AEMP Learning Center

Our learning center is equipped with some of the best educators from the media and entertainment industry who apply modern vocational approaches for each individual student. We provide an inclusive environment for persons of different ages, challenges, and abilities.

Key Features:

  • Personalized pedagogy so that learners receive instruction that is tailored to their individual needs, abilities, and learning styles.
  • Allows learners to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule, which can be particularly helpful for individuals with busy schedules.
  • Expert instructors who are available to provide guidance and support to learners. This can be particularly helpful for learners who are struggling with a particular subject or concept.
  • Opportunities for collaborative learning, which can help learners develop important teamwork and communication skills.
  • Exposure to a supportive environment where students can feel comfortable asking questions, seeking help, and collaborating with peers.



The student attends the AEMP class at our learning center for the allotted days and timings and can access a wide range of resources, including books, computers, and educational materials.


Student who faces traveling and accessibility challenges can opt for our hybrid learning mode where they can reap the knowledge of AEMP through online means from our experts at their favored place.

Key Highlights Hybrid Mode * In-Person Mode
Batch Size 1-5 Students 3-8 Students
Personal Attention
Parent Empowerment
Peer Interaction
Sessions by Industry Experts Once in a Year Twice a Year
Recorded Sessions
Greater Flexibility
Teaching Learning Material
Customized Pedagogy
Real-Time Work Experience
Holistic Development Analysis
Web Application Access
Travelling Expenses (Time + Cost)
Assignments & Portfolio Development
Additional Training Time As Required As Scheduled
Learning Center Experience As per Convenience Regular

Learning Centre Brochure

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